Fusion Net List

Fusion Net List - A listing of popular Fusion-based nets

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About Fusion Nets
This document attempts to provide a current list of “popular” Fusion nets. By “popular” we mean:

1.Fusion nets that are generally accessible by a large number of Fusion users;
2.provide a unique or valuable resource to the community;
3.are held regularly; and
4.generally have good attendance.

Fusion Net list
Times ::  EST / EDT

Time Zones :
This tool can help you with the time zone math.

Date/Time Host WiRES-X DV4mini

Mon 7:30 PM MNWIS / BARS #21493 FCS002-23
Mon 7:30 PM S. Ohio Link Net #21427
Tue 7:00 PM DVRA 440 Digital Net #21011
Tue 7:30 PM Nebraska Ragchew Net #21659
Tue 8:00 PM Upstate NY Fusion NET #21704
Tue 8:00 PM Alabama Link Net #21568 FCS002-02
Tue 9:00 PM Cent. IL Link Net #21179
Wed 9:00 PM CQ Canada Fusion Yaesu Wires-X Network #40678
Thur 7:00 PM Texas Fusion Net #21685
Sat 8:00 PM America Link’s Round Table Rag Chew #21080 FCS002-90
Sun 8:00 PM Oklahoma Link #21733

Times ::  EST / EDT

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updated date :    January 2021