P25 WorldWide Net

P25 WorldWide Net


Pennsylvania Radio Amateurs Net. A statewide DMR Net

Pennsylvania Radio Amateurs Net.

A statewide DMR Net will be held at 8pm Pennsylvania time.

DMR Brandmeister TalkGroup 3142 on Tuesday Evening

PA Statewide (3142) has a DMR Net on Tuesday Evenings at 8PM EST.

Canada DMR Net VE3ORF 3730 Group

The VE3ORF / 3730 Group has been around for over 10 years. They claim to have a goal to help promote the use of Amateur Radio. They have a belief to promote the hobby (Service) by being very active in just about every aspects of it.   Digital Technology, SSB nightly nets, repeater use, weak signal vhf SSB, AM, QRO, QRP etc.

The groups focus is on both Technical and Social aspects while exploring the many opportunities Amateur Radio has to offer.

You can find VE3ORF 3730 Tuesday Weekly NET at 9:00 PM ET and on the repeater system VE3ORF located In beautiful downtown Ottawa.   They offer 3 Digital Long Range Repeaters and a 220 MHZ Digital Repeater Gateway.


February 27 was a fantastic Canada DMR Net by Margaret  KA1BZE as the Net Control from VE3ORF 3730.

I was hoping to check-in and commend to Margaret on her fantastic job.  Please convey to her on behalf of myself VE3WZW ANDRE how I felt she did a great job.
DMR Net list - DMRnetList.cf

We are over joyed,  keep it going.
VE3WZW Andre

Saskatchewan Net

Saskatchewan Net The Saskatchewan 2-meter net is held every weekday evening at 9pm Central time.

It is for both IRLP connections and standard repeaters.

There are several different net controllers and the net is held on Reflector #9012.

DMR Brandmeister Worldwide Net - Talkgroup 91 Net

DMR Brandmeister Worldwide Net - Talkgroup 91 Net

Saturday’s @ 1700 UTC (1600 DST).

DMR-Brandmeister Worldwide Talkgroup (TG 91).

About and Purpose :
The DMR-Brandmeister Worldwide Net is held weekly Saturday on the DMR-Brandmeister network to test the connectivity and linking of repeaters world wide under stressed volumes.  It is intended as a global forum for discussing news, information and developments related to Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) DMR-Brandmeister. This net is open to all ham radio operators with a DMR capable radio and can be accessed via any DMR repeaters that are connected to the DMR-Brandmeister Worldwide talk group (TB#91).

Embry Riddle WX Balloon Launch with SharkRF OpenSpot - Post Event Discussion

Six Shooters ARC - San Diego
Presentation August 21, 2017

Occurred June 10, 2017
Embry Riddle OpenSPOT In Near Space Post Event Discussion.

If YouTube video available will post link.

Gene Swiech WB9COY will present his high altitude balloon payload which included a DMR OpenSPOT transmitting on 439.000MHz. The payload was launched from Emery Riddle University in Prescott Arizona as part of the NASA Eclipse project. Other accepts of the payload included a 5GHz down link and an APRS GPS reporting sytem. The OpenSPOT with only 20mW of power was easily heard 30 miles down range. The openSPOT also was able to access the internet allowing hams across the country to connect to the payload. This was accomplished via the 5GHz downlink.

Time permitting Gene will also demonstrate how the OpenSPOT can be used via the AREDN broadband ham net system using a Raspberry PI server. Two OpenSPOT modules will be connected via the AREDN system and a completely off the grid contact will be made using the two OpenSPOT modules severed by the Raspberry PI.

Brandmeister Enhancements

Good afternoon, everyone.
The past 36 hours have brought forth some great enhancements in the performance and operation of Master Server 3103, and refinements to 3102 and 3108.
The GPS reporting functionality is now operating perfectly, and the links for APRS Location posting have been fine tuned.  If you have a BrandMeister supported GPS radio (Motorola, Hytera, etc) than all should be functioning perfectly now.

Getting the APRS connections refined and tuned has made it possible for APRS Messaging to be enabled across the BM USA Servers.  3102, 3103, and 3108 now all support "APRS Messaging  from radio to phone, phone to radio, radio to radio, and phone to phone." We've tested it also with a number of things such as WxBot, and find it to perform much better than we expected.  Check the BM Wiki for info on how to use it, if you are not already familiar.

The BrandMeister USA Shark RF IP Protocol Server is now fully tested and available from our high speed server farm in Chicago.  We will be releasing more information on that in days to come, but we feel that it too is a fun facility and perhaps a valuable resource for many with the SharkRF openSPOT's who would like to implement a more private network of their own.

As we continue on with the standardization ......

TAC-311 Net August 6

TAC 311 1111 Group - 6 August 2017

The gathering:

KB3YBT - Partick, FL
W5JXN - John, AR
KE0NXU - Nick, MN
K3ACE- Norm, DE
KA1GMN - Phil, TX  - Game Show Host


What are the popular talk groups?

  311 - Home of the the 311 1111 "This thing of ours"

  3100 - The busies talk group.  Someone is on 24 X 7.
  TAC 3 AKA TG 8953 - Technical QSOs

  31665 -  Relatively new talk group dedicated to helping
  operators out with their DMR system.  This talk group is also
   linked to Wires-X.

Introduction to Reflectors
  How to connect.
  How to disconnect.
  Check reflector connection status.
  Reference:  TG 3100  - An Alternative Access Method ( in "Files" section)

Brandmeister and ARPS
  No definitive answers on this one.  Those interested stated they had more investigation to do.

Phil de KA1GMN