Westcoast Amateur Radio Association Net

Westcoast Amateur Radio Association Net

The Westcoast Amateur Radio Association, Node 1030, Victoria BC, has a weekly Net on Reflector 9005, Monday nights at 1900 Hrs local time. (http://www.ve7vic.ca).

Email me directly at ve7beu@rac.ca for info. Club information, local news, check-ins, swap and shop.



Many of you may have listened to the TGIF Talkgroup or checked into the TGIF Net on Fridays at 8:00 PM on DMR Brandmaster Talkgroup 31665. We had been auto-linking to this net for the past few weeks on the 145.440 MHz DMR/multi-mode repeater. As announced by the talkgroup admin and net control Robert K4WZV last Friday, the TGIF Talkgroup is being discontinued and the net moving to his own dedicated internet server apart from the Brandmaster network. Accordingly, the TGIF Talkgroup 31665 is no longer functioning and you can remove it from your DMR codeplug. CORRECTION: The TGIF Net is also no longer available on the 145.150 Fusion/FM repeater Wires-X system.

Tennessee 470 Amateur Radio Group Net

Tennessee 470 Amateur Radio Group Net

Join us every Thursday night at 12:30 pm UTC / 6:30 pm CST / 7:30 pm EST for the Tennessee 470 Amateur Radio Group Net with Trivia at 9:00 pm EST and ragchew after the net. This is a 4 hour net with plenty of conversation.

International R.E.A.C.T. Net

International R.E.A.C.T. Net

The International R.E.A.C.T. Net begins at 8:00 pm EST / 7:00 pm CST. This net is for R.E.A.C.T. members and non-members to check-in and keeps members updated on events regarding R.E.A.C.T.

International DX Net

International DX Net

The International DX Net hosted by K2HZE begins at 9:00 pm EST / 8:00 pm CST. This net is for all operators to check-in from around the world.

Canada Alberta VE6 Local Nets HF | VHF | UHF

Canada Alberta VE6 Local Nets HF | VHF | UHF

0130 UTC - Alberta Public Service net on 3.700MHz

20:00 Local - Alberta D-Star Net on VE6KM-B

1930 L - NARC weekly net on VE6HM
2030 L - Ladies net on VE6NHB / SARA system

0900 L - TransCanada IRLP Net on VE6NHB / SARA system.
2100 L - VE6PP linked to VE6HM Whitecourt Net

1930 L - New Hams 2m net on VE6NHB / SARA system

1900 L - D-STAR Can-Net on VE6KM B.

North American Handshakers Net

North American Handshakers Net
A new Tuesday night net has started called “The North American Handshakers Net” every Tuesday night at 10pm Eastern time. There will be four net controllers alternating from week to week. They are Harold, K5MES (Fort Smith, AR), Matt, N9GMR (Port Orange, FL), Alexia, KE7UWU (Portland, OR) and Jodi, KE7WYK (Roy, UT).

North American Handshakers NetMonday2200 ET9250KE7ZWP


We need to be advised of the updates 2018 ??

NorthWest Alabama DMR Net

NorthWest Alabama DMR Net
BM TG - 31016
Wednesday 20:30 Central Time

Please add this to your DMR Net List and come join us.

Thanks and 73,
Grady L. Evans

Ontario SATERN Net

Ontario SATERN Net This is to announce that SATERN in Canada has it's first established IRLP Net.

The Ontario SATERN IRLP Net, which can be accessed by linking your local IRLP repeater to reflector 9032.

The net will run from 21:00 - 22:00-- Eastern time. Stations who may not be able to check in through IRLP, can also check into the 80 metre net 3.743 Mhz (+ or - interference), also at 2100 Eastern.